About Loch Raven UMC

An open, dynamic and multicultural community of faith.

We believe Loch Raven United Methodist Church is called by God to be a living witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ by serving as stewards of God's gifts and blessings. As a multicultural church, we minister through worship, learning and fellowship, and mission to the community.


Loch Raven United Methodist is...

a Christian community joined together to witness to the love and presence of Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, study and service. We are a family in Christ, always excited about welcoming others. Worship is central in our life together. Our worship is warm and informal, but also grounded in the liturgical tradition.

Where to Find Us

We are located at:

6622 Loch Raven Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21239
We look forward to seeing you at service!