Outreach at Loch Raven UMC
We are committed to providing programs to our community that are in line with the work of GOD.
Locally supported organizations, associations, and other community groups:
Assistance Center of Towson Churches
Provides food, financial aid, and education for the needy in the community
Scouting programs
provide space for boy scouts, girl scouts, cub scouts and brownies to meet weekly.
Celebrates the children's ministry in worship twice a year.
Parish Nurse Program
provides wellness programs throughout the year for members and the community.
Community Assistance Network, Inc.
provides childcare for low-income community residents.
Habitat for Humanity
Loch Raven UMC has participated in this activity for the past several years helping to rebuild many homes for Baltimore City residents.
Al Anon
family members of alcoholics meet weekly for support
Glendale-Glenmont Community Association
provides space and support for the program
meets weekday morning and evenings and Saturday morning in the building
Halstead Academy
Loch Raven UMC has formed a partnership with the academy to help meet the needs of the children enrolled.